
Issue 40 - 2012

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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4 THE GUESTLIST NETWORK MARY ANNE HOBBS DIGITAL & XFM.CO.UK ACROSS THE UK 104.9 FM LONDON 97.7 FM MANCHESTER Tune into Mary Anne Hobbs Mondays to Thursdays 8-11pm Saturdays 7-10pm Issue 40 / 2012 TOP 5 FESTIVALS 1 Sonar, Barcelona 2 3 4 5 Bloc, UK Glastonbury, UK Reading, UK I My favourite festival of all time. I'm returning to play for the 6th year in June to an audience of 15,000 people. Sonar is an urban festival that takes place in breathtaking aircraft hangar spaces on the edge of the city, housing the greatest festival soundsystems on Earth. Sonically, it's absolutely peerless. The finest electronic music festival in the UK bar none. The boys who founded it, George & Alex, began with just a dream in their hearts, working out of the back of a gypsy caravan in their dad's back garden. I cherish memories of broadcasting double-header radio shows there with John Peel. We (famously) blew out an interview with headliner Michael Stipe of REM in favour of Stuart from Mogwai. Nirvana as gales ravaged the site, back in 1989.. the Second Stage was closed and the Comedy Tent had literally blown away. It was apocalyptic. remember an astounding performance by Hay Festival, UK The poetry lover in me would love to attend one day... just for a change

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