The Wolverine

August 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  COMMITMENT PROFILE When Sugar Creek (Ohio) Garaway Local School three-star offensive line- man Joel Honigford chose Michigan, it wasn't what was expected. The class of 2017 tackle was tabbed by many to be a heavy Michigan State lean or a kid that saw Oregon as the place to be. However, after a West Coast trip and family discussion, he picked Michi- gan as his future college home. "I had a visit at Oregon to see how things went out there, was offered, and I really enjoyed the visit, but then I talked it over with my family for a little bit and decided Michigan was best for me," he said. "I just really en- joy the coaches and everything about the university. It just feels right." Honigford possesses a top-tier of- fer list that includes Auburn, Michi- Offensive Lineman Joel Honigford Is Already Focused On Beating The Buckeyes Many analysts thought Honigford would end up at Michigan State or Oregon, but he felt most at home in Ann Arbor. PHOTO COURTESY RIVALS.COM

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