The Wolverine

August 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  MICHIGAN IN THE PROS BY CHRIS BALAS A year ago at this time, former Michigan forward Carl Hage- lin was preparing for his first year in Anaheim after signing a four-year contract. He'd been a huge part of the New York Rangers' success for four seasons, but the franchise deemed him expendable. Turned out the Ducks did, too, trading him to Pittsburgh after only 43 games of the 2015-16 campaign, in a move that became the best thing that ever happened to him in his career. Hagelin's 97th postseason game since debuting with the Rangers in 2011-12 proved to be the one that made him an NHL champion, a game six victory over San Jose that made Pittsburgh the Stanley Cup champs. His current stretch of playoff games is the most in that span by anyone in the NHL. "It was a bit of a shock [after] signing a four-year deal there and thinking you're going to be there for a while," Hagelin told NHL. com of the trade just days before the   MICHIGAN IN THE PROS Carl Hagelin Is A Stanley Cup Champion In Pittsburgh In 24 postseason games this year, Hagelin notched six goals and 10 assists while helping the Penguins win the Stanley Cup. PHOTO COURTESY PITTSBURGH PENGUINS

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