Spring 2017 - 51
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Bigfoot Turf sits on a 600-acre
spread owned by Greg Johnson
near La Salle, Colo.
"We have bit of a funny
farm here in that we have a
baseball field, a lake where we
stock fish and a lot of hunting
and fishing and bonfires and
pasture golf. We like to have
fun. It's not city stuff. It's a
little bit redneck. That's why I
think somebody laid the Sod
Commander thing on me."
Johnson, 64, refers to his
good-natured title as president
of Bigfoot Turf Farms. His wife,
Sheree, is the Sod Goddess.
Greg's dad, Gordon, 95,
founded the company in 1986.
Greg and Sheree bought
Bigfoot from him in 1999.
"We moved down here from
Glenwood Springs, Colo., with
three of the kids who were still
at home," Greg said. "I had an
irrigation business in Glenwood
Springs. So I was around the
landscape industry a little bit."
Greg enjoys the turf business.
"It's better, because now
we're a manufacturer as
opposed to a service industry,
where we were an installer."
The diamond is in the middle
of pasture land and plots
covered with various shades of
green. It's the home field for