
Spring 2017

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/794568

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Page 47 of 84

48 CHEMICAL BUYERS' GUIDE BASF www.agro.basf.com Xzemplar Fungicide Lexicon Intrinsic Fungicide Unpredictable weather and troublesome diseases were no match for golf course superintendents and other turf professionals who applied Xzemplar fungicide and Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide on their turf this season. In addition to exceptional, long-lasting protection against diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, summer patch and fairy ring, turf professionals who applied Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide saw plant health benefits, which resulted in greener, stronger, healthier turfgrass. BASF www.betterturf.basf.us Sprint 330+Mn Sprint 330+Mn high performance iron chelate and water-soluble manganese micronutrient blend helps correct specific mineral deficiencies in slightly acid to slightly alkaline soil. It prevents iron from binding with other compounds in the soil, allowing it to stay in a form readily available for turf use for improved quality. The unique combination of Sprint 330+Mn micronutrient blend delivers an agronomically favored 1:2 ratio of plant available iron and manganese micronutrients.

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