ILTA 2012 Program Guide

ILTA 2012 Program Guide

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Area of Focus: Cloud Technologies Microsoft Speakers: Susie Adams - Microsoft Corporation MISC1 THE LEGAL SYSTEM TEST REPOSITORY 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Maryland B The recently released Legal System Test Repository (LSTR) gives ILTA members an advanced start to implementing a quality assurance discipline in their organizations. Conducted by experienced software testing professionals from the repository's sponsor, attendees will learn about the value software testing brings to an organization, understand how LSTR came to be, as well as see a demonstration of how to utilize this valuable resource. The demo will take advantage of the Microsoft Test Professional Client. There will also be an open discussion of ideas for the future direction of the LSTR effort. Hashtag #MISC1 Target Audience: Administrative Area of Focus: App Interfaces and Deployment Speakers: Rick Lesley - Olenick & Associates Bill Mertes - Olenick & Associates Andrea Warner - Olenick & Associates MISC3 LARGE FIRM DISCUSSION FORUM – DOING LESS WITH MORE 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Maryland C Join two large law firm veterans in this highly interactive, lively and controversial discussion about strategy issues that keep large firm leaders awake at night, including why we hate new technologies our end users love, "attriting" your way to success, the quickest way to get fired (can you say "entrenched"?) and strategically reducing services, plus any other topics that come up during the session. Come prepared to share your views! Hashtag #MISC3 Target Audience: CIOs/IT Management/Technology Partners Area of Focus: Strategic Planning Speakers: James Darsigny - Brown Rudnick, LLP James McKenna - Morrison & Foerster LLP MISC4 SMALL LAW FIRMS: KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Nat'l Harbor 2 What technologies can small law firms take advantage of that will make a big impact? What are the latest technology challenges that you and your small law firm peers are facing? How can ILTA's Law2020® initiative help keep you ahead of the fast pace of today's changing technology? We're here to help you identify these points and create a plan for user acceptance and adoption. Hashtag #MISC4 Target Audience: CIOs/IT Management/Technology Partners Area of Focus: Strategic Planning Speakers: Steve White - Fowler Measle Bell PLLC ac2dc 2012 Program Guide 147

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