ILTA 2012 Program Guide

ILTA 2012 Program Guide

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Save up to 85% of roaming voice and data costs 470 mobile networks in over 183 Countries Access more than THE SOLUTIONS mobile data global voice global bridge With one click, instantly connect up to 5 WiFi devices in over 70 countries. You can rely on our 24x7 customer support for assistance. With our comprehensive range of UNLIMITED mobile data roaming plans, you won't receive any outrageous bills. Simply install our Simple- Roam OneSim into your mobile device before you travel to enjoy low-cost calls and data downloads in over 183 countries. Business travellers who need to attend teleconferences while they're on the road can use the integrated Audio Conferencing Bridge on the OneSim card to dial in from any location. Your organisa- tion only pays for the bridge access cost – the call itself is free.

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