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Target Audience: CIOs/IT Management/Technology Partners Executive Directors/Administrators Area of Focus: Alternative Fees Financial Management Strategic Planning Speakers: Jim Harris - LT Online Corporation Sam Shipley - Ulmer & Berne LLP APP11 UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING IN THE POST-PC ERA 10:30 a.m. - noon Maryland A Expectations of anytime, anywhere computing are expanding. The consumerization of IT and bring your own device (BYOD), desktop virtualization, everywhere wireless and cloud components (like Dropbox) have created an environment where the PC is no longer king of the IT mountain. Let's see how the post-PC era has impacted IT and users as we explore a case study on how one firm incorporated BYOD, virtualization and the cloud to deliver attorney- focused computing. Hashtag #APP11 Target Audience: C-Level - ALL Strategic Area of Focus: Mobility (Apps and Technologies) User Support Speakers: Doug Caddell - HBR Consulting LLC Rick Varju - Foley & Lardner LLP CTPG4 ATTORNEYS UNPLUGGED: BUILDING A MOBILE OFFICE 10:30 a.m. - noon Woodrow Wilson C Attorneys have high expectations for the mobile office. Whether they are working at trial sites, client offices, at home or on vacation, the ability to access information and services is a requirement. Come take a look at current methods being used to support attorneys on the go, including the use of LTE hotspots and public Wi-Fi, and how to securely transport data. Hashtag #CTPG4 Target Audience: IT Ops (engineers/sys and dbase admin/voice/ infrast) Area of Focus: Mobility (Apps and Technologies) Remote Access Speakers: Sherwood Archibald - Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. Steven Bennett - Jones Day ECMPG4 SCAN WITH A PLAN: DIGITIZING CONTENT FOR YOUR ECM SYSTEM 10:30 a.m. - noon Nat'l Harbor 12,13 Your firm wants to reduce the use of paper by using your ECM system, but where do you start? You need to determine your goals for digitization and figure out how to achieve those goals. You need a plan. Hear from several firms that have implemented scanning initiatives with various tools and approaches. Gain insight into best practices, frameworks for developing a scanning plan, ROI targets, how to achieve buy-in and lessons learned along the way. Hashtag #ECMPG4 ac2dc 2012 Program Guide 155