Denver Catholic

DC_May 27, 2017

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3 DENVER CATHOLIC | MAY 27-JUNE 9, 2017 Vatican Notes TOBYMAC with Heart's Remedy FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF EVENTS AND CONCERTS: KIDS KORAL CARNIVAL SHOPPING JUNE 25 / featuring TOBYMAC with Heart's Remedy Peddle Tractor Races Dog Show Duck Races Petting Zoo Face Painting Stick-Horse Rodeo Balloon Artist Sandbox Play Area AND MORE! FREE ACTIVITES AT THE KIDS KORAL 508-340-9370 Hablamos Español 855-842-8001 Call us 24/7 Several trips to different destinations: the Holy Land; Italy; France, Portugal, & Spain; Poland; Medjugorje, Lourdes, & Fatima; Ireland & Scotland; England; Austria, Germany, & Switzerland; Greece & Turkey; Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Colombia; Brazil; Argentina; Domestic Destinations; etc… We also specialize in custom trips for Bishops, Priests and Deacons We also offer other trips with prices starting at $2,499 ~ Prices are ALL-INCLUSIVE with Airfare from anywhere in the USA BY CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY O n May 14, Pope Francis refl ected on the May 13 canonization of the child visionaries St. Fran- cisco and Jacinta Marto, saying that their faithfulness, despite their young age, reminds us to pay special attention to children in the ministry of the Church. "With the canonization of Fran- cisco and Jacinta, I wanted to propose to the whole Church their example of adherence to Christ and of evangelical witness, and I also wanted to propose to the whole Church to take care of chil- dren," he said. The holiness of these children is not a consequence of the apparitions they received, he said, but of the "fi delity and ardor with which they returned the privilege they received of being able to see the Virgin Mary." "After the encounter with the 'beau- tiful lady,' as they called her, they fre- quently recited the rosary, they did penance and off ered sacrifi ces for the end of the war and for the most needy souls of divine mercy." This is what made them saints, he said. "In Fatima, I was immersed in the prayer of the holy faithful people, a prayer that fl ows there for a hundred years as a river, to beg Mary's mater- nal protection on the whole world," he went on. Even 100 years after the fi rst appear- ance of Our Lady of Fatima there is still a great need for prayer and penance for the grace of conversion, Francis said. We also need prayers "to implore the end of so many wars that are every- where in the world… and which disfi g- ure the face of humanity." Pope Francis concluded his address by mentioning the celebration of Moth- er's Day in several countries. "Let us remember with gratitude and aff ection all moms, even our moms in heaven, trusting them to Mary, the mother of Jesus," he said, concluding with a moment of silent prayer for mothers. Pope Francis: Fatima reminds us to care for the faith of children Pope Francis kisses a child in Fatima, Portugal in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions and the canonization of Francisco and Jacinta Marto on May 12, 2017. lUsa press agency

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