Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre


Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre

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W W W . C A F C O N N E C T I O N . C A / P E T A W A W A We offered approximately 145 different volunteer opportuni es to meet the interests and skills of our diverse community of volunteers. These ac vi es include one- me-only or regular volunteer posi ons and volunteering during weekday, evening or weekend. We worked with staff from different departments to create more meaningful volunteer posi ons like the Deploy- ment Volunteer Commi ee or the Fundraising Commi ee. Volunteers were in key posi ons for programs and services like Informa on Services, STEAM, Coffee Chat, leisure ac vi es, Before and A er School Programs, Child Care, face pain ng, food prepara on, event planning, administra on, Accredita on and behind the scenes in every department. By involving skilled volunteers in these posi ons, we were able to develop and run new programs, and enhance exis ng ones. Volunteers also play a central role in connec ng our agency to the community by sharing their knowledge about our services as well as their posi ve experience with the PMFRC with other Mili- tary family members. C O M M U N I T Y S U P P O R T The Petawawa Golf Club was very suppor ve in the planning the Volunteer Apprecia on Dinner. We want to keep growing our volunteer community, because volunteers are the founda on of our not-for-profit organiza on. The impact of volunteerism is visible in enhanced or new programs, be er services and a strong community that provides support to Military families.

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