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Management: Knowledge A Strategic Role Change for Legal Information Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Professionals by Steve Lastres of Steve Lastres is the Director of Library & Knowledge Resources for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, where he manages the firm's information and knowledge management initiatives. Steve has recently spoken at AALL, ARK and ILTA events. He is the co-founder of the OnFirmerGround blog, a collaborative effort of international law library associations seeking to promote the value that law firm librarians bring to the business and practice of law. Steve can be contacted at salastres@debevoise. com and on Twitter @lastrst and @privatelawLibs. For anyone who attended the recent AALL annual meeting or ILTA's annual conference, it is clear that the business of law has changed irreversibly. The keynote speeches at both events, given by two dynamic, yet very different authors — Richard Susskind, author of "The End of Lawyers?" and Frans Johansson, author of "The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures" — had eerily similar messages. The world of technology is changing rapidly, and this change is having a dramatic impact on the delivery of legal services. In order to adjust to this new 34 AALL/ILTA White Paper