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Standing Still: Never True Stories of the Changing Role of Law Librarians 46 AALL/ILTA White Paper FIL INC NEE by Emily C Haynes an I might be able my career to Storm Allison. I owe much of my to my parents wh me to attend law as well as to a gr dynamic com of law libr Fortunately, a ca law firm comp intelligence has very rewardin promis exciting fu DIVERSE OPPORTUNITIE by Liana Juliano of Nossaman LLP The first thing people say when I tell them I am a librarian is "Do you shush people?" or "You must really like to read." The truth is I probably did shush a few people when I worked as a public librarian, and I do like to read, but that is not why I decided to become a librarian. I did so because of the diverse opportunities it provides. AN EXTENSIVE EDUCATION My path to becoming a librarian was a ordinary and one I always like to shar don't know that a master's degree is as a professional librarian in most o undergraduate, I learned that an ad needed to be a librarian and, altho one I would enjoy, I couldn't get stay in school a few more years. After many years of makin athlete, I was approached by a library assistant. Partially out o experience interviewing, I we learn how many different typ There are medical librarians librarians and so on. This in San Jose State University Science in 2002. Some librarians exc excel at systems and te order out of chaos. I di information for the on course work on infor Liana Juliano is the Information Manager at Nossaman LLP, where she is responsible for the intranet, InterAction and the firm libraries. She is active in professional library organizations and seizes every opportunity to promote librarianship as a career. In 2010, Liana was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker from an award program that recognizes librarians across the continent who are "shaping the future of libraries." She can be contacted at IA PUT TO GO In 2007, the library to see if I would b technical electro role that focuse in this position of library mate indexing item focus on the information