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From Manual to Online Cataloging A Lot to Gain There are quite a few benefits to an online catalog that make it a superior choice to a manual system. An online system makes it possible to streamline our library operations, to implement standards that ensure consistency in our cataloging and circulation, to make searching the law library resources easier for users, and to help our users become more self-sufficient. In addition, our law library staff can now generate circulation and user statistics, keep track of where our library materials are, organize routing lists, understand our user-base better and improve our workflows. Our users can now check out and renew materials, receive automated email reminders, see what they have on loan and their due dates, place holds, access print and electronic resources — all from the comfort of their desks. Stumbling Blocks Implementing an online catalog was breaking new ground, and there were many challenges along the way — from deciding on labels to establishing cataloging policies and procedures. However, the largest challenges to implementing an online catalog in our corporate legal department were dealing with IT issues and getting the online catalog to operate as we preferred. Being a global financial institution, security is extremely tight, and Soutron had to accommodate our technological environment. Implementing a new system presented some compatibility issues. For example, our department required automatic authentication since we did not want our users to have to memorize another username and password. This was a barrier to adoption, and we wanted to ensure the success of the online catalog by making it easy to use. After much hard work (and some sweat and tears) among the libraries, IT and Soutron, we were able to get it working. The most important takeaways were the need for open communication and a clear understanding of the technology and its limitations. Unleashing the Online Potential Now that we have cataloged most of our collection online, we are about to do a phase one rollout. Piloting has been extremely positive thus far. Testers have commented on the ease of use, and many have been able to find something of interest with little guidance from the librarians. Users have been appreciative and impressed by all our hard work and by how the online catalog is usable and interactive. This response has confirmed that forging ahead with an online catalog was the best course of action. Over the long term, by going the route of automation, I expect to make it easier to manage the collection, to encourage user self-sufficiency, to improve circulation and use of materials, to increase library awareness, and to justify the purchase or cancellation of titles. I also hope this system will free up the law library staff to provide more value-added services and to continue to concentrate on "big picture" initiatives. A/I FASTER SIMPLER SMARTER eDISCOVERY Smart companies have discovered a better way to navigate through the maze of electronic data using the world's most advanced eDiscovery and electronic investigation software. Powerful enough to process the largest cases and the most complex unstructured data sets, yet intuitive and easy to use. With Nuix, you can undertake accurate early case assessment and first pass review to understand the key facts of the case in the shortest possible time. FIND FACTS FAST Visit Booth 1002 at ILTA 2012 to view a demo of Nuix ILTA Peer to Peer Ad.indd 1 30/04/12 9:53 AM AALL/ILTA White Paper 89 EMAIL key evidence ARCHIVES LOTUS NOTES SHAREPOINT METADATA