Houseboat Magazine

2010 Rental Guide

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A:: Tell them they’ll be just fine. Houseboats are stable compared to other crafts so there should be hardly any motion. But if they’re concerned they can always pick up some Drama- mine just to be sure. comes with renting a houseboat? A: It’s a lot like renting an apartment Q: What is the lease agreement that or a car. Your deposit will most likely be non-refundable and you’ll want to thor- oughly inspect the houseboat so you won’t get charged for any old damage when you return the boat. If something does break, let the mechanic fix it. Before you go on your adventure, make sure that the houseboat is equipped with all of its safety gear and double check what the owner’s rules are. Most marinas’ websites have fre- quently asked questions specifically tailored to their circumstances—mean- ing where to park, if you can fish, how to get to the marina, pricing, acquiring fuel and groceries and more—so con- tact your local marina office or their website for more questions, and good luck! Rental Guide 2010 9

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