
Snowbike World Fall 2017

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SNOWBIKE WORLD FALL 2017 48 4. The P3 Carbon pipe guard is awesome. It was really worth it's weight in gold because if you tip your bike over on $500 snowbike pants, you'd burn a hole right through them. The pipe guard saved pants and saved header pipes from impact with trees and rocks. The P3 skid plate is really durable. You can hit rocks and logs and stumps really hard and the skid plate just takes a beating and keep going. Another thing that we ran on both the CMXBK and the Timbersled bikes was carbon fiber chain case covers. For some reason, Nate is notorious for blowing out the chain case covers on rocks and whatever you hit them on. The P3 guard has saved our bacon. 5. The Seat Concepts comfort seats are a big deal because you spend a lot more time on your butt on a snow bike than you do on a dirt bike. You're al- ways standing on a dirt bike, but you're probably spending half your day on your seat on a snowbike. Having a wider place to put your butt with better padding is really nice. And the grip is good too on these adventure seats.

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