
January-February 2018

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/916608

Contents of this Issue


Page 47 of 103

46 JA N UA R Y/ F E B R UA R Y 2 018 U N TAC K E D THE CLOTHES HORSE CORGI SNOWGLOBE This sparkly gold snowglobe will never be as quirky as the real corgi in your life, but it comes close, and it's blessedly silent. $19.95. cb2.com. VINTAGE REPRINT Think of winter this way: Yes, you're stuck indoors, but it's the perfect opportunity to do all those home improvement projects you put off while you were at the barn all summer. Fill your bare walls with a beautiful equestrian blueprint like this one, available in a range of sizes and colors. $3.30-$45.10. etsy.com/shop/stanleyprinthouse. HORSE TOPIARIES Create a living equine sculpture—or opt for the pre- mossed version if your thumb is as brown as mine—with these clever topiary frames. They come in a range of sizes and are also available in a variety of dog breeds! Prices vary, starting at $61.99. lambertvetsupply.com.

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