Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.
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18 TECHNOLOGY WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO VIRTUAL REALITY? Issue 45 / 2012 These video games of the month will bring out the smart gamer inside you. Weekends will be more amazing than ever! Play on! GET YOUR GAME ON! We were promised riding through space on neon blue light cycles, but instead we got the Nintendo Wii. Well soon you won't have to break everything in your white plastic stick. A new virtual reality headset has been released called the Ocular Rift. That's right it sounds like a 90s Japanese RPG game. The Ocular Rift is a major step forward in consumer priced living room with a displays. Why hasn't everyone in the world already bought one! If I had one virtual reality head mounted of these I'd design a world where I go to work every day, do my normal then towards the end of the day when I start to get bored, thousands of naked screaming spider women would come pouring out of the walls. It's then my new job to dispatch them all using only office stationary. That would sure make going to work more satisfying. job, but ARE YOU UNIQUE? HARRY POTTER FOR KINECT All the harry potter fans get ready for a new play to help Harry in the wizarding world! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released the latest has title in Harry Potter video game franchise. This video game is an Xbox 360 exclusive release, based on all the eight Harry Potter films. Harry Potter for Kinect allows players to join Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as they embark on a journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and beyond. Players can simply use Kinect body and voice controls to cast spells, play Quidditch, battle Death Eaters and more. Players who master their magical skills can take on their opponents in competitive mini-games. Out Date: October 12 DISHONORED Dishonored has taken cues from Thief and Half- Life 2, and is a first-person adventure which follows a supernatural assassin. Player will be driven by revenge after being wrongly accused of killing the empress he was once sworn to protect. It enables players to use combination of stealth tactics and direct attacks as it features a flexible combat system. The outcome of each mission is said to vary depending on choices made by the player. It is an intoxicating interplay of supernatural powers which you will want to play more than once. Available in various platforms- Xbox 360, PS3, PC. Out Date: October 12. SPICE UP YOUR PHONE FOR WINTER! Winter is coming, and we find ourselves exposed to all kinds of weather injustices: cold, rain, wind and even snow...or worse still, slush! So I suppose you might be planning on buying a coat? One that can suffer the wrath of any mood swing that nature might surprise you with, but also preferably one that won´t make you look like a snowman or a cabbage. At the end of the day, you are going to wear this coat more than any other piece of clothing (unless your one of those that thinks it´s ok to turn your underwear inside out once one side is sufficiently dirty), so it also has to fit the contents of your wardrobe and personality. These are all the careful considerations that should go into buying a coat. Why not do the same with your phone? Keep your phone warm and trendy with Unique cases, suitable for Samsung Galaxy S3, iPhone 4/4S & 5, BlackBerry® and HTC handsets. XCOM: ENEMY UNKNOWN XCOM is back, retaining the same B-movie sci-fi atmosphere from the 1990's, but refreshing the turn-based game play for the modern audience. The game continues the Cold War aesthetic, but this time it is the human world that is teaming up to fight a much bigger, but equally shadowy extraterrestrial threat. It provides streamlined but equally deep and difficult decision-making, and multiplayer that allows players to mix human and alien units. Enemy Unknown is a rebranding and re-imagining of the celebrated 1994 strategy game, UFO: Enemy Unknown; the first game in the XCOM series. Available for Xbox 360, PS3, PC. Out date: October 12.