Calendar JUly 31–AUG. 4
ASA International Sweetener Symposium
The theme, “Policy, Perceptions and Prospects for the Market” will explore a broad range of timely topics of great interest to all industry stakeholders. About 400 people attend the Symposium to hear the most significant and timely issues affecting the industry and to network with sweetener industry colleagues. Vail Marriott Mountain Resort & Spa—Vail, CO
MAy 16–19 Sugar Industry Technologists Inc. Savannah, GA CONTACT: 281-494-2046
JUNE 1-4 Weeds Across Borders Conf. Shepherdstown, W. Va.
JUNE 13-25
McGinnis Institute of Beet Sugar Technology Beet Sugar Processing School Willmar, Minn. CONTACT: 303-832-4460
JUNE 15-16
2010 Snake River Weed Control Research Tour University of Idaho Kimberly, Idaho CONTACT: 208-736-3600
JUly 18-20 10th World Association Beet & Cane Growers Conference Cambridge, England, UK CONTACT: +44 1494 689 409 Email:
JUly 26-30
McGinnis Institute of Beet Sugar Technology Beet Sugar Agriculture School Willmar, Minn. CONTACT: 303-832-4460
AUG. 2-4 Northwest Regional Certified Crop Adviser Conference Spokane, Wash. Davenport Hotel CONTACT: 509-465-5055
OCT. 31–NOv. 4
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meeting Long Beach, Calif.
• Looking for a better return on your sugar- beets investment? These days, the smart money is on Arrow 2EC herbicide from MANA.
• Arrow offers a better choice. Cost effective. Quality performance. Want proof? • Arrow contains the number one post- applied grass active, clethodim.
• The same active ingredient found in Select. • So why pay a premium price when Arrow delivers proven control of a wide range of the toughest grasses in sugarbeets, plus many other crops—and controls gly- phosate-tolerant corn flushes in Roundup Ready soybeans.
• Arrow’s outstanding performance with excellent crop safety at the right price dem- onstrates how MANA makes sense. • MANA provides best-in-class formulations, regulatory capabilities, extensive field testing and research and a science-based approach to defend and maintain vital ac- tive ingredients. • MANA’s area business management teams support the distributors, retailers, crop con- sultants and agronomists today’s growers rely on for localized expertise.
• Check out the results—in your fields and in your bottom line. Learn more about Arrow from MANA at
FEb. 7-10, 2011 WSSA Annual Portland, Ore. Hilton Hotel
FEb. 6-8 2011
ASGA Annual Meeting Tucson, Ariz. Westin La Paloma CONTACT: 202-833-2398
MARCh 2 - 5, 2011
ASSBT Biennial Meeting Albuquerque, N.M. Albuquerque Hyatt Regency
The 36th Biennial Meeting of the American Socie- ty of Sugar Beet Technologists will be at the Albu- querque Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque, N. M. CONTACT: 303-832-4460 7
What’s happening in the sugarbeet industry SEND YOUR EVENT INFO TO NANCY@SUGARPRODUCER.COM