Northshore Magazine

Northshore March 2018

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 62 MARCH 2018 STYLING BY JULIE PAQUETTE FOR ANCHOR ARTISTS STATESMAN BY DITA Todd Rogers Eyewear $950 FOR SHOP INFORMATION, SEE CREDITS PAGE 132 SQUELETTE 5 BY NOEGO Eyephoria Optical $510 PHOTOGRAPH BY GLENN SCOTT THE GOLD STANDARD Metal frames are the go-to look this season. / S H O P + R E N E W / METAL PILOT BY TOM FORD Appleton Eye Associates $393 AR6 BY PARASITE Eyephoria Optical $510 COCO BY MASUNGA Appleton Eye Associates $495 LEX BY MASUNGA Todd Rogers Eyewear $400

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