Northshore Magazine

Northshore March 2018

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 65 of 147

NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 64 MARCH 2018 STYLING BY JULIE PAQUETTE FOR ANCHOR ARTISTS FOR SHOP INFORMATION, SEE CREDITS PAGE 132 PHOTOGRAPH BY GLENN SCOTT FIND YOUR OHM Feel and look great while mastering that next yoga move with these tops and pants. / S H O P + R E N E W / Tops, left to right, WEAR IT TO HEART BRA Dani Kaye, $45 ALO YOGA BRA Dani Kaye, $72 ENERGY BRA lululemon athletica, $52 Pants, left to right, WEAR IT TO HEART PANT Dani Kaye, $82 LIQUIDO PANT YogaSakti, $84 WONDER UNDER CROP PANT lululemon athletica, $88 YOGA MATS lululemon athletica, $68/ea

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