Canadian Safety Reporter - sample

April 2018

Focuses on occupational health and safety issues at a strategic level. Designed for employers, HR managers and OHS professionals, it features news, case studies on best practices and practical tips to ensure the safest possible working environment.

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Strategic Partner Platinum Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Presented by EMPLOYERS SAFEST 2018 CANADA'S Nominations close June 1 Sponsorship opportunities available | Is your safety team a lineup of super stars that are always motivating the workforce to make safety a priority? Throw your hard hat in the rink for Canada's Safest Employers awards. Now in its 8th year, the awards recognize the safest companies from coast to coast. Awards for Wellness, Psychological Safety, Young Worker Safety and Canada's Best Health + Safety Culture also available. Safety MVPs Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor EXPERTS IN OCCUPATIONAL TESTING Reception Sponsor

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