Potato Grower

April 2018

Issue link: http://read.uberflip.com/i/957555

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Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Manzate ® and UPI logo are trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. ©March, 2018. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406. www.upi-usa.com. This won't take long. Because since its introduction decades ago, Manzate ® Pro-Stick ™ has had zero documented cases of resistance in potatoes. That's right, none. Why? Because the unique multi-site action of Manzate Pro-Stick prevents pathogenic organisms from adapting and mutating, and doesn't allow fungal strains to develop resistance. So, if it's early or late blight you are battling, make sure Manzate Pro-Stick is an important part of your disease control program. You'll be glad you did. To learn more, contact your local distributor or UPI representative. We invite potato growers to view our documented cases of resistance to Manzate Pro-Stick.

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