Data Sheets

Nonprofit Accounting Software Buyer’s Checklist – 40 Essential Features of a Modern Accounting System


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Build efficiency and accountability with a Fund Accounting framework Simplify setup, transactions, and reporting through single, primary GL chart of accounts. Define, track, and report on every key organizational focus through unique, defined dimensions (e.g., grants, funds, programs, locations, etc.). Use the same chart of accounts across multiple entities for quick and easy consolidations and reporting. Access to over 150 report templates for easy and timely reporting for funders, board members, and executive team members in a manner compliant with FASB and government requirements, including: Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Activities, and Statement of Functional Expenses. Efficiently manage fund restrictions and grant requirements Instantly customizable dashboards that give you real-time operational and financial visibility by fund. Slice and dice your financial information the way you want (e.g., program, grant, department, etc.). Operating dimensions (e.g., grant, program, location, etc.) that allow you to quickly get a holistic view of performance and outcome measures through statistical tracking and reporting. Report quickly and easily on your dimension a ributes (e.g., location, fund, program, etc.). Simplify grant, fund, and donor accounting Gain instant visibility for your team through role-based and customizable dashboards to help track, manage, and send reports to donors, grantors, volunteers, and board members. Track and report on funding restrictions, program outcomes, and budget to actual results. Automatically schedule reports for timely, proactive monitoring of fund administration and spending to ensure stronger funder relationships. Take advantage of 24/7 availability from any mobile device for instant visibility and control. Automate revenue management Decouple your fund invoicing schedule from revenue recognition, enabling you to efficiently and accurately manage even the most complex schedules. With automated revenue management, you can easily manage funding across accounting periods and in compliance with FASB and IASB standards. Nonprofit/Fund Accounting Nonprofits typically receive funding from multiple sources. Good stewardship of funds and increased compliance regulations call for transparency and accountability, creating a need for system-wide tracking and visibility across a variety of key segments or identifiers. These requirements are best met through a nonprofit or fund accounting system that provides complete fund tracking, efficient operational processing, timely reporting, and a comprehensive audit trail. Below are the key things you should look for in this system: Sage Intacct

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