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ABOUT USMX The United States Mari me Alliance, Ltd. (USMX) is a non-profit incorporated membership associa on headquartered in Lyndhurst, New Jersey and represents longshore industry employers on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts, including container carriers, marine terminal operators and port associa ons. USMX serves as the mari me Management group's representa ve in Master Contract bargaining with the Interna onal Longshoremen's Associa on, AFL-CIO. Other responsibili es include ar cula ng industry posi ons on regulatory and safety issues; overseeing coastwide training, retraining, cer fica on/ recer fica on programs; and administra on of the coastwide fringe benefit funds and programs that are part of the Master Contract. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of USMX is to preserve and protect the interests of its members in ma ers associated with the mari me industry, including all labor rela ons issues affec ng longshore and related ac vi es, and, in par cular, in the realm of collec ve bargaining. The Alliance shall carry out its mission for its members and customers, with due considera on of the interests, safety and well-being of the workers and their representa ves. Likewise, it understands the importance of its commitment to maintaining labor peace in order to meet and exceed the crucial demands of a global economy. ON THE COVER New York is the featured USMX port city for 2017. Read more about it and the rest of our East & Gulf Coast ports in the USMX PORT ASSOCIATION MEMBERS sec on, star ng on page 40.