SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal - November 2018

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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it's show time! As we are about to get the 51st SCORE Baja 1000 underway, we have a chance to recap the past month’s involvement in the many primary industry shows and the products being showcased at these events. These shows have specific focus and value that involve the UTV market at the Sand Sports Super Show, the Off-Road Industry at the Off-Road Expo, and the Global Automotive Aftermarket showcased at this year’s SEMA show earlier this month. SCORE continued its impact at the Off-Road Expo with the major feature area that included the show’s #1 event, the SCORE Baja 1000 Press Conference that debuted this year’s course map’s general details and upcoming SCORE programs for 2019. SCORE’s presence at the 2018 SEMA show continued, for the 5th year, to use the SCORE Baja 1000 experience area as SEMA’s primary off-road feature that included the SCORE Baja 1000 trophy truck starting position qualifying event. This event has been able to showcase the SCORE World Desert Championship series, the team’s exposure to potential sponsors and for an up-close and personal experience for those SEMA manufactures and attendees that have not had the opportunity to see these top tier race technology vehicles in action. This issue presents all the action, results and product introduction for your viewing pleasure. SCORE Journal was also able to secure a number of great project builds at these shows. In this issue we are featuring a very unique 1991 Ford Ranger Pre-Runner. This has a great blend of an old-school cab with current-day body panels, along with an over the top fabrication effort. As the new Ranger generation from Ford is still debuting soon, it was great to revisit this once great vehicle platform that had such a big impact on the SCORE Factory wars in the Class 7 and 7s early days. Enjoy the Issue! Jim

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