SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing
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MEXICO'S NEXT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SUPPORT SCORE RACES. With the 2019 SCORE World Desert Championship taking place in Baja California, and a new Federal Administration coming into office in Mexico, SCORE International President and CEO, Roger Norman, and Mexican Senator Jaime Bonilla Valdez met to discuss the economic benefits and world-wide promotion SCORE races generate for the area. Senator Bonilla explained to Norman that he has been named Federal Government Coordinator in Baja California as of December 1st 2018, by the President-Elect of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Bonilla will oversee the activities of all the Federal Agencies in the State, and recognized the long-standing presence of SCORE International in Baja California and praised Norman for the tremendous success and various measures he has implemented since taking over ownership of SCORE International in 2013. Bonilla added that his former seat as Senator for Baja California will now be occupied by long-time SCORE racer and Ensenada Hotel Owner, Gerardo Novelo, who was also present at the meeting. Senator Bonilla, Novelo, and Norman agreed to work in coordination so that SCORE International races in Baja California continue to be world-class racing events. SCORE Racers Celebrate At The ORMHOF Induction Ceremony SCORE International staff and racers attended the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame Induction ceremony, held October 29, 2018 at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Among the 2018 Inductees were SCORE motorcycle champion Johnny Campbell, SCORE Champion Mark McMillin, SCORE veteran racer and innovator Robbie Perce, SCORE racing veteran and off-road ambassador Cameron Steele, race promoter Ed Robinson, and land use advocate Jim Bramham. Safe Spectating Projects Aimed At Kids n an effort to promote safety during off-road races, Ruben Elizalde created the cartoon character Calzonman & Choyonsito. It’s a funny character who wears underpants on his head, but by means of illustrations in a coloring book, it spreads knowledge of where to view off-road races in Ensenada, as well as proper hydration and staying safe. Recently, Calzonman, along with Class 11 racer Viry Felix visited elementary schools in Ensenada to spread their coloring books. Each year Elizalde prints and distributes a different themed coloring book, with this year’s theme showcasing the importance of the designated driver. “We talked to many students and teachers on how important that is both on and off the road,” said Elizalde. “Viry visited one school with me that had 230 children. We also brought hats and gave then to the kids that participated in our discussions.” Elizalde credits his efforts from Sean Hoglund from YT Motorsports and continues to work to improve safety through education of local children. One of Elizalde’s main sponsors since he started the project has been the Green Army Motorsports team.