GOLF NOW! Chicago

2013-Premier Destination Guide

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Performance Center of the year at Mistwood. Opening 2013! "Filled with tradition & lore, heather swept hills, long swaying grass, and medieval detail, inspire a design of what is uniquely a tribute to its heritage." —Dan Wohlfeil Daniel Wohlfeil Design Ltd. F rom Scotland to Chicago, the above quote became more than words… rather the mantra, timeless tradition, a place that was in existence for hundreds of years. A unique performance center that has the presence and history of several centuries of architecture woven into the authentic feel of a Scottish village. The goal was to create and establish a culture reminiscent of a true Scottish farmhouse cited in a fashion that lived among the golf course. From solid stone walls to clay tile roofing, every detail was thoughtfully designed. The exterior of stone and stucco, wood shutters, solid wood doors and hanging lanterns, welcome guests to more than just a state of the art golf performance center but a genuine golfing culture. T his 7,000 square foot facility may have an old world charm but is all about performance. Whether a serious golfer refining your swing or new to the sport, the Performance Center at Mistwood has everything for you. Enjoy food, drink and conversation at the hand crafted distressed woodcopper Scottish bar. Kick back in the Turf room and watch your favorite sport on one of many flat screen TV's or just enjoy the view of the golf course. FEATURES: • (11) climate controlled covered hitting bays • (2) spacious teaching bays with state of the art video analysis • Trackman ball flight analysis • SAM Putt Lab and Quintic Putt Lab • Full indoor putting green • Expansive exterior practice green • Exterior tee line • Top PGA instructors on staff

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