GOLF NOW! Chicago

2013-Premier Destination Guide

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Sarah Novosel and Corbin Ford— First Tee participants and Rob Dauphinais, Executive Director Golf is more than a game at GNC: "Thank you so much, Rob, for taking time to talk with us about The First Tee Program and the Illinois PGA Foundation. We also appreciate your taking time to introduce us to two of the children who are very involved in The First Tee Program. Can you tell us a little about each of the kids and how you went about choosing them to represent The First Tee and all that the program offers?" 70 GOLF NOW! Chicago RD: "Sarah Novosel, 16, is a Junior at Gurin Prep High School where she plays on the golf team. She is a six-year participant of The First Tee of Greater Chicago and has progressed to our Eagle Level certification. This year Sarah earned honors as a 2012 R.B.S. Achiever of the Year semifinalist. She was one of ten participants selected from across The First Tee network of nearly 200 chapters. The goal of the award program is to positively impact youth by rewarding participants for exemplifying one or more of The First Tee Nine Core Values™. When we think of Sarah, Perseverance and Sportsmanship are just two of The First Tee Nine Core Values that come to mind. Corbin Ford, 15, is a sophomore at Lincoln Park High School where he plays on the high school golf team. He has been a participant

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