Northshore Magazine

Northshore January/February 2019

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 126 JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2019 THE LEGEND The following information has been compiled from past BONS award recipients, staff picks, and advertisers. Listings are subject to change from issue to issue, in accordance with space availability. Best of the North Shore 2019 winner Breakfast Brunch Lunch Dinner $ - under $15 $$ - mostly under $22 $$$ - mostly under $29 $$$$ - $30 and up dining guide January + February 2019 YOU CAN'T "WOW" THEM IF THEY DON'T KNOW YOU EXIST. Contact us at or call 978-824-2806 for details.

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