SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal - May 2019

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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BIG news with “BIG AIR” F84 Games will unveil Baja “Big Air” during the SCORE Baja 500 May 31st-June 2nd. SCORE fans can check out “Big Air” during an onsite activation with SCORE International during race week, and catch some “Big Air” of their own! Hear Rat commentate as you watch seasoned Baja vets compete for the race best time in this high speed, high energy, side scroll physics racing game.  Find out from the pros as to what takes more skill… driving Baja or Playing Baja. Baja “Big Air” launches with some of your favorite drivers who will provide you with challenges and mentorship as you build your career, earn a sponsor and try to complete to become the best of the best.  Throughout the race season, F84 will continue to roll out new drivers and updated race maps to deliver an authentic but casual game experience. Baja “Big Air” is available first on Facebook Instant Games for iOS & Android and coming soon to the Apple App store and Google Play. Ensenada Welcomes SCORE Racers With Discounts The Restaurant Chamber of Ensenada announced that various restaurants in the downtown area of Ensenada will offer discounts to all SCORE racers. The discounts will begin May 18th and continue through December 31st, covering the 51st SCORE Baja 500, Lucerna SCORE Baja 400 and the 52nd SCORE Baja 1000. “SCORE Racers will need to mention they are a member of a SCORE racing team and show the official Discount Program Logo on their mobile device (shown above)”, said Luis Alonso Triado, President of the Restaurant Chamber of Ensenada. “SCORE races have benefited our city for more than 40-years so we want to let them know how much we appreciate their support.” Watch The 33rd SCORE San Felipe 250 on ABC The 33rd SCORE San Felipe 250 race that was held this April, will air on the ABC Network June 2nd, 1:30 pm PST and 2:30 pm, EST. Each of the 2019 SCORE World Desert Championship races will be televised on the ABC Network and the ABC World of X Games, as well as internationally in nearly 25 countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America via syndication and ESPN International. SJ Watch A Preview Of The SCORE San Felipe 250 To Air On ABC June 2nd

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