Idaho Falls

September 2019

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Where Marc rebuilt his heart Marc Jewett is an executive with the INL who enjoys lo living in Idaho Falls and spending time with his wife and kids. He's an avid bicyclist and outdoor adventurer. Despite his active lifestyle, Marc suffered a severe heart attack aer a bike ride in Jackson. He was airlied to EIRMC for an emergency cardiac procedure, followed by major heart surgery days later. Today, Marc is back to cycling, camping – and living, because he was taken to EIRMC. Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center is the region's largest medical facility, caring for the most critically ill and injured residents of southeast Idaho. We are a Level II Trauma Center with the most experienced ER nurses and physicians in the area. We also offer the most comprehensive cardiovascular services in the region, including cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, minimally invasive heart valve procedures, and open heart surgery. (208) 529-6111

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