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"It's amazing how the children respond to these omnipresent devices. They gravitate toward them; their little fingers know how to work them; they beg for them. They're used as leverage; they're used as distractions; they're used as a replacement for good parenting and that worries me," Jessica Kelley, Idaho Falls, on the trials of Millennial motherhood. See story Page 40. IF SEPTEMBER 18 Miss Russet Pageant 1931wasthefirstyearfortheSpudDayQueenandMissShelley. Today,theSeniorclassgirlsparticipateinMissRussetPageantfor poise&beauty,talent,andaserviceprojectfora$1000college scholarship. TIME: 7–10p.m. LOCATION: HillcrestAuditorium,Ammon CONTACT: SEPTEMBER 19 The Greatest Love of All: A Tribute to Whitney Houston Starring Belinda Davids FeaturingthebreathtakingvocalsofBelindaDavidsaccompaniedbya fabulous6-piecelivebandanddancers,thisisabeautifullycraftedtribute tooneoftheworld'smostreveredsingers.SponsoredbyBankofIdaho. TIME: 7:30p.m. LOCATION: ColonialTheater COST:$30–45 SEPTEMBER 19 Radioisotope Power Systems: Enabling Deep Space Missions from Idaho ThisMuseumClubpresentationisfromKellyLively,RadioisotopePower SystemsDept.Manager,IdahoNationalLaboratory. TIME: 3p.m. LOCATION:MuseumofIdaho CONTACT:208-522-1400; SEPTEMBER 20 Tater Trot Participantsrundifferentdistancesdependingontheiragegroup. TIME: 3:30p.m. LOCATION: ShelleyHighSchoolTrackAges2–12 CONTACT: SEPTEMBER 21 Stock Car Races The2019raceseasonisunderway!We'dliketoinviteeveryonetoour races.BroughttoyoubyIdahoCentralCreditUnion.Seewebsiteforaddi- tionaldatesandschedules. TIME: 6P.M. LOCATION: IdahoFallsRaceway SEPTEMBER 21 Idaho Spud Day FromaSpudRun,toparade,tospudtug,thisspud-tacular dayhasitall!Includingafreebakedpotatolunchandseveral potato-themedgamesandcontestsaswellasmanyfoodand merchandisevendors. TIME: Seewebsitefordetails LOCATION: ShelleyCityPark CONTACT:208-357-3390; SEPTEMBER 21-22 3rd Annual Living History Convergence TheNorthwestLivingHistoryAssociationinvitesyoutocomewander throughthecamps,seehistorycraftsdemonstrated,andtalktopeople fromthepast.Therewillbeperiodgamesforchildrentoplay.Free. TIME: 10a.m.–3p.m. LOCATION:SealanderParkat6510S.65thW. CONTACT: Facebook:NorthwestLivingHistoryAssociationPage SEPTEMBER 21 Pandora's Birthday Party & Big Reveal Fallline,food,drinks,newmerchandiseandgiveawayswith purchase! TIME: Noon-5p.m. LOCATION:PandorasBaubles&Beads,440ParkAve,Downtown SEPTEMBER 27 Darwin & Dinosaurs Walkamongdinosaursandtracehowtheirdiscoveryinthe1800sinspired CharlesDarwintoexplorehowlifehasadaptedandchangedovermillions Calendar SEPTEMBER 2019 Not Just Another SmartAsset Opinion 2019 online study puts Idaho on top for home ownership Looks like Idaho has retained its crown from SmartAsset. com as the most desirable state in the union for homeowners. Here's what the ranking had to say about us: Idaho is the best state for homeowners for the second- straight year. The Gem State saw a price-per-square-foot increase of 12.12% from 2017 to 2018, the second-highest rate in the top 10, which could indicate the state is growing more desirable and attracting new residents. Median property taxes are just $1,408, the third-lowest in the top 10 of our study, and place Idaho in the top 15 for this metric in the study overall. But it's important to note that it does also have the second-highest average closing cost in the top 10, at $2,023. — Ben Geler For more results, check out the full SmartAsset report at IDAHOFALLSMAGAZINE.COM 13