Idaho Falls

September 2019

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32 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER2019 "You are allowed to walk the 5K and the 10K," Wilker said. "It's no pressure." With the race now becoming an annual event, Wilker hopes to involve families, schools and the community. Business involvement has also provided a significant boon to fundraising efforts. This year, Eagle Rock Indian Motorcycle stepped up with a whopping $4,662 donation from a raffle to give away one of its 2019 Indian Scout Sixty motorcycles. (Congrats to the lucky winner: Hunter Bean of Monteview.) "I thought about all the stuff we did together, all the stuff we did with (Shannon)," he said. "And so whenever I can do something to help families make memories like that -- even if it's a little thing like remember when you did the superhero- themed race and we all got to dress up? That's what it's all about." With the help of sponsors, including the Idaho State Police, the Shannon Wilker foundation hopes to continue inspiring heroes in their crusade against cancer each year. For information on next year's race and details about the founda- tion, visit www.shannonwilker- HTTPS://WWW.GOFUNDME.COM/IDAHOHEARTFOUNDATION Join us in learning about CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation) and AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillator) HTTPS://FACEBOOK.COM/IDAHOHEART Help us provide AEDs for our community, any donation helps! Thank you In-Kind Support to Idaho Falls Ballet Torres and Sons Trucking 17 th Street Starbucks Breaking Boundaries Idaho Falls Parks and Recs Department Idaho Falls Symphony Idaho Falls Zoo Idaho Falls Farmer's Market Jay Bay Productions Thank You to Our Sponsors N Youarenevertoo Young(orold)to savealife! IF

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