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70 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER2019 1293 W Broadway, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 208-552-7378 • NEVER SKIP A BEAT 2319-16FairfieldInn13s.indd 1 7/30/19 9:35 AM cial place in her heart for helping other kids discover themselves and gain life changing confidence and skills through the perform- ing arts," Jennifer said. Most people who have the pleasure of meeting Miss Jolley have no clue that she has overcome the struggle of selective mut- ism. She is very outgoing, personable, and willing to chat to anyone about anything at any time. "Because of the positive impact IFYAC had on her, she immediately jumped at the opportunity to be involved in school plays and district musicals when she was old enough to take part," Jennifer said. "There was always something going on year round. In the Fall, she was busy with the IFYAC Fall Musicals, in the Spring, it was District #91 Musicals, and in the summer, she was either performing or serving as a mentee in IFYAC Summer Theater Camp. She never told any- body about her earlier struggles with com- munication, or that she had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder… Along with the triumphant bows came the off stage tears. Life lessons, every step of the way." Abbey's most favorite role thus far in her career was playing Jetsam in this summer's performance of The Little Mermaid at the Pickleville Playhouse near Bear Lake. It challenged her to step outside her comfort zone once again, but she did it with confidence and pride — thanks to the power of theater. This is only a snippet of Abbey's journey, and only one example of how theater has the power to change lives. If you are interested in life-altering experiences, consider participat- ing in the Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre. Our focus is the youth, but we utilize the talents of our Young At Heart to give the youth in our area opportunities to learn, grow, and shine! To find out more, visit n YOUTH | JOURNEY TOGETHER IF 2317-13BankCommerce13s.indd 1 5/20/19 10:32 AM