of information communication
technology is predicted to be directly
allocated for digital transformation
by 2023
of executives believe they must pick
up the pace to remain competitive
of new applications are predicted
to be cloud native by 2025
To build modern applications, you may need to
reconsider your application's architectural patterns,
operational model, and software delivery process.
While these shifts are dramatic at an organizational
level, the process doesn't need to be brutal.
Many organizations take an inspired leap to build
new modern apps in the cloud, but plenty of
others take a step-wise approach, one app at
a time.
We observed common characteristics of modern
applications through our experience building
applications for Amazon.com as well as from
serving millions of AWS customers. Applications
with these characteristics enabled our customers
to increase agility, lower costs, and build better
apps that support the success of their businesses.
While you can modernize applications from any
starting point, the outcome is the same: applica-
tions that are more secure, reliable, scalable, and
quickly available for your customers and partners.
This guide covers
the following topics:
• Digital innovators
• Characteristics of modern
1 Culture of ownership
2 Architectural patterns:
3 Computing in modern applications:
containers and AWS Lambda
4 Data management: purpose built &
5 Developer agility: abstraction,
automation, and standardization
6 Operational model: as serverless
as possible
7 Management & governance:
leveraging programmatic guardrails
• Start building modern
applications today