SCORE Journal

SCORE Journal-December 2019

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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THE PRO QUAD BATTLE Two Teams Battle For Supremacy In Pro Quad By Dan Sanchez Photos By Get Some Photo One of the exciting challenges at the 52nd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 1000 Presented by 4 Wheel Parts was the battle for becoming the top Pro Quad team this year. The reigning champion Said Sanchez 1a team began the season winning the SCORE San Felipe 250 and the SCORE Baja 500. He was challenged by Adolfo Arellano and the 21a team who finished second on both those races. At the Lucerna SCORE Baja 400, Arellano had taken his first season win and the race for Pro Quad dominance would be determined at the 52nd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 1000 Presented by 4 Wheel Parts. Right at the start of the race, mechanical problems faced both teams, but Arellano and his co-riders Christian Rojas, Marcos Cocsino and Francisco Vera had started first and was able to make repairs. “We had some broken suspension components and a broken rim. There were a lot of problems throughout the race but with the team and help from friends, we fixed them and got to the finish,” said Vera As the race progressed, Sanchez continued to have problems but pressed on while allowing the 22a team of Javier Ibarra to pass. As teams and fans waited at the finish line, Arellano crossed first and took the Pro Quad win. Ibarra with teammates Nicholas Nunez, Alexis Vera, Oskar Espinoza, Jorge Recio and Juan Sanchez finished in second place. Sanchez and the 1a team of Mike Sloan, Javier Robles, Jose Meza, and Felipe Velez finished third. Sportsman Quad Ands Moto Classes Celebrate Although the Sportsman classes ran a shorter course of 701.48 miles, it was still one of the most brutal many had ever faced. Considering these teams are not sponsored in any way and are usually made up of family and friends who simply dedicate their time and money to be in Baja, these classes put out an amazing effort and are exemplary of what SCORE racing is all about. Celebrating big at the finish line was the 100a team of Danny Magdalena, who finished first in the Sportsman Quad class. The team which included Magdalena, Jorge Lopes, Eddie Bareno, Bennie Beltran, and Chris Avalos who drank champagne from their riding boots at the finish line. Taking second place in the Sportsman Quad class was the 145a team of Jovany Marquez with co-riders Mario Sanchez, David Serrano, Luis Delfin, Maria Ramirez, Juan Gonzalez, Francisco Espinoza, and Angel Perez. The 115a team of Noberto Arce finished third in class with co-riders Carlos Lopez, Fidel Gonzalez, Imanol Gomez, Robert Rodriquez, and Jose Enriquez. Finishing fourth was the 123a team of Ismael Hernandez, Hector Comacho, Cristobal Quezada, Zachary Hayward, and Jorge Carbajal. Silva Wins Big In Sportsman M/C The close racing between the 212x team of Carlos Silva and the 284x team of Shane Shorno was another big match-up that was settled at this year’s SCORE Baja 1000. Silva crossed the finish line first to win the class along with co-riders Oswaldo Moncada, Javier Salazar, Joel Leal, Hector Cardenas, and Phillip Herrera. Finishing second in class was the 254x team of Tyler and Chuck Harvey, and co-rider Damon Bush. The 201x team of Scot Borden, Hank Sayler, Casey O’Donnell, Chris Welch, and Dan Mastrude finished in third place. Shorno and his 284x team finished fourth with co-riders Nick Robertson, Tyler Gnutzman, and Steve Herstad. SJ

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