Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 10 MARCH 2020 04 N O R T H S H O R E M A G . C O M CONNECT WITH US ONLINE MAR 2020 contributors ALEXANDRA PECCI / PAGES 46, 58, 60, 68, 74, 76 / Alexandra Pecci grew up on the North Shore and writes about its people and places. Her travel, food, and lifestyle stories appear in Rachael Ray Every Day and the Washington Post. JEANNE O'BRIEN COFFEY / PAGES 14, 38, 80 / Jeanne O'Brien Coffey has been freelancing for more than 10 years, covering everything from hot New York restaurants for the Zagat guide to top luxury travel spots for ForbesLife. She is Northshore magazine's food editor and travels the region test tasting chefs newest dishes. JOSEPH FERRARO / PAGES 24, 60 / Joseph Ferraro is a commercial and editorial photographer from Salem. He is a graduate of the New England School of Photography and Lesley University. "Living in New England is as good as life gets." DIANA LEVINE / COVER, PAGE 94 / Diana is a Boston-based editorial and advertising photographer. Her clients include Rolling Stone, Billboard, MTV, Converse, Boston Globe Magazine, Boston Magazine and she has photographed President Clinton, President Obama, Alicia Keys, Kim Kardashian, and New Kids on the Block. Her portfolio is available at WHERE TO EAT WHAT TO DO WHERE TO SHOP 01 02 03 Looking for a spot for a great pint this St. Patrick's Day? Let us give you some suggestions. Looking for spring fashions and accessories? Check out these trendsetting shops. There's no shortage of March activities for every member of the family. Check out our calendar. 15th Annual Best of the North Shore voting now open! Cast your ballot for your favorite burger, pizza, oyster bar, signature cocktail, salon, beach, brewery, date night, and more! Results Will Be Announced in our August 2020 Northshore Edition!