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DR. RUTA M. SHAH Chief of Infectious Diseases North Shore Medical Center INTERVIEW BY NANCY E. BERRY NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 120 MARCH 2020 How did you get into this field? At a young age I enjoyed science and biology. After college I considered the field of biochemistry research, but felt something was missing, and I realized it was the direct personal contact. The field of clinical medicine has been rewarding for me, as it combines science and discovery with patient care and interaction. Who are your mentors? My earliest and most influential mentors are my parents, who are both physicians and served as great role models for me. They had their own medical practice and they displayed to me the attributes of hard work, discipline, and compassion. As I became more interested in medicine myself, I shadowed them and learned from them. These experiences gave me a strong desire to become a physician myself. What do you consider your greatest achievement? I think my most significant achievement is raising my children. My husband and I try to instill in them positive values and compassion. It is truly the most challenging yet greatest achievement. What are some of your greatest challenges? Balancing clinical responsibilities and family life is a great challenge, but I also feel it serves as a good example for my children. They watch me care for others during many evenings and weekends, in addition to the regular "work" hours, which I hope stands as a good example as they grow up. What do you do on the weekends? Weekends are filled with many activities including karate, skiing, swimming, and family dinners. Some weekends are spent at the hospital, but we still make sure to fit in some family fun. Do you have a favorite spot on the North Shore? My children and I enjoy learning karate, and we spend lots of time training with our karate family at North Shore Karate Academy in Beverly. I also love Cherry Farm Creamery in Beverly. It is my favorite place for ice cream. PHOTOGRAPH BY JOEL BENJAMIN HAIR AND MAKEUP BY CHRISTINE CONROY/ ANCHOR ARTISTS C O M M U N I T Y Q & A GETTING TO KNOW THE NORTH SHORE MAR 2020