Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 20 MARCH 2020 More and more of us have specific food needs, whether by a deliberate choice or a necessity. In my case, it's both: I've had allergies since I was young, and I try to eat plant-based as much as I can. One particular challenge is my allergy to soy, which is a mainstay of chain restaurant deep fryers across the country. Luckily for all of us, Massachusetts is one of the top states for food allergy training and awareness. No matter what dishes you're avoiding and why—from diabetes to keto to kosher, and everything in between—these days you can find more places that take your needs and preferences seriously. The North Shore has a number of restau- rants that obtain that perfect balance: food that's good, even with modifications. There are comprehensive lists of restaurants like AllergyEats that rate certain restaurants' ability to handle food needs. But here are a few standouts for you to visit just in time to enjoy some spring vegetables. B U RTO N ' S G R I L L & B A R NORTH ANDOVER This award-winning restaurant (voted the most allergy-friendly restaurant by AllergyEats in 2019) also has a location in Burlington, as well as elsewhere around Massachusetts and the United States. They have a separate, fully gluten-free menu that offers customizable entrees and also highlights paleo options. Their "scratch kitchen" means that modifications become that much easier. They even use square plates instead of their traditional round ones to highlight for their servers which meals have had special preparations. 145 Turnpike St., North Andover, 978-688-5600, PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF FLYING SAUCER PIZZA E AT + D R I N K Six places to eat on the North Shore if you have food sensitivities. BY K ATHERINE J. IGOE DELICATE CONSTITUTION E AT + D R I N K F LY I N G S AU C E R P I Z Z A C O M PA N Y SALEM Best of the North Shore winner for best pizza, Flying Saucer also offers robust gluten-free options (and a beer-infused dough, which sounds incredible for those who can have gluten). They have vegetarian and vegan menus, with a make-your-own section, too. They even suggest you ask them if you still want a dish they've taken off the menu. Plus, they bill themselves as having a "nerdvana" vibe—with sci-fi decor and knickknacks that include Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who—and that carries through to their menu. The Nick Fury and Mars Attacks pizzas are among the many thematic pies available. 118 Washington St., Salem, 978.594.8189, G R OV E AT B R I A R B A R N I N N ROWLEY This new boutique inn features a menu from executive chef Ben Lightbody that's locally sourced, including from Alprilla Farm Flying Saucer Pizza Company has vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, including pizza, garlic bread, and meatballs.