Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 30 MARCH 2020 FAC E S + P L AC E S If you are not from Peabody, there's a strong chance that any mention of the city brings to mind an image of the North Shore Mall. For over 60 years the mall has sprawled next to Route 128, drawing shoppers from all around to its collection of stores and eateries. Peabody's enthusiastic residents, however, want you to know that there is far more to their city than the mall. There are indepen- dent boutiques and restaurants, a bucolic historic farmland, and outdoor recreation areas to entertain the whole family. There's a children's museum, as well as an innovative local brewery. And there is, uniting it all, a sense of community combined with a strong belief in the future of the city. "Peabody is an undiscovered gem," says Deanne Healey, president of Peabody Main Streets. "There are a lot of reasons to come here." Peabody has been evolving from its very earliest days. It was originally a farming community, but, by 1770, Peabody 's rivers and streams had made it an essential part of New Eng- land's leather industry, which depended on the presence of running water. Over the next century, the town became one of the foremost producers of leather in the world, and immigrants from many coun- tries f locked there to work, creating a rich cultural diversity. By the mid-1900s, however, concerns about the chemicals used in the tanning process began to weaken the industry. Eventually, un- able to keep up with tightening environmental standards, the leather companies closed down or moved overseas. The loss of the leather industry was a blow to the local economy, but Peabody adapted. The mall opened in 1958, and further retail and commercial development spread out along Route 114. Healthcare emerged as another important industry; major hospitals and healthcare systems have outposts in the city. Today, Peabody is again in the midst of change. The mall is perhaps the most visible sign of the current changes. Construction is underway on Life Time Athletic, which is slated to open early next year, where Sears once stood. The "athletic lifestyle resort" will feature workout equipment and classes, indoor and outdoor pools, sports facilities, spa services, children's programming, and a café. A Tesla showroom and service center is planned D A T E O F S E T T L E M E N T 1626 D A T E O F I N C O R P O R A T I O N 1868 (town), 1916 (city) A R E A 16.8 square miles P O P U L A T I O N 53,278 Z I P C O D E 01960, 01961 M E D I A N H O U S E H O L D I N C O M E $ 65,085 General Electric CEO Jack Welch, Salem Witch Trial victims Giles and Martha Corey, journalist and author Joe Klein, navigator Nathaniel Bowditch. N O T A B L E R E S I D E N T S THE DETAILS Breaking Grounds Café is located in the heart of the bustling urban area. PHOTOGRAPH BY LAUREN POUSSARD