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I N - D E P T H food code, which incorporates the FDA code, and have authority to determine enforce- ment strategies for retail establishments in their jurisdictions," Gronendyke explains. WHAT DOES CBD DO? Again, it depends on whom you ask. CBD proponents say it can help with ailments like anxiety, insom- nia, and pain. It works on a systemic level with our still-under-study endocannabinoid systems, which exists in all of our bodies, says Kristen Partridge, owner of Your CBD Store in Georgetown. However, the FDA has approved only one CBD product, "a prescription drug product to treat two rare, severe forms of epilepsy," according to its website. Other clinical research results are still limited. Because it's still being studied, CBD sellers are restricted in how they can legally market and label their products. "You can't make any health claims," says Arena. That's why a lot of CBD educa- tion and information comes to us through word of mouth, whether it's from patients sharing good results with friends, or customers talking one-on-one with a physician or reputable CBD retailer or producer. IS IT SAFE? The FDA says it's still studying CBD's safety. The World Health Organization says that "CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile." CBD can affect some medications, such as blood thinners, says Partridge, which is why it's important to talk with a doctor about how CBD might interact with other medications or supplements you are taking. Another risk is not knowing what active and inactive ingredients are contained in different CBD products, including actual CBD amounts, since products are unregulated and often untested. "Pricing scams and mislabeled products are two of the major issues in the CBD market right now," says Villa. She recalls one product she encountered that claimed to have 75 mg of CBD on the label, but lab testing revealed it only contained 7 mg. Julia Agron, director of the Northeast Sustainable Hemp Association, echoes that concern. "There are so many scrupulous and Your CBD Store, in Georgetown, carries topicals, tinctures, and other products. PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF YOUR CBD STORE cruise vacations & SO MUCH MORE... PACKAGES TOURS INSURANCE FLIGHTS HOTELS CAR Commodore Plaza 47 Enon Street, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 712 0900 CALL, CLICK OR COME IN TODAY! EXPEDIA'S NEWEST LOCATION - NOW OPEN IN BEVERLY! We are your one-stop-shop for a worry-free vacation! Upcoming exclusive promotions: Royal Caribbean Sale: March 16 - 22 River Cruise Sale: April 6 - 26 cruise vacations & SO MUCH MORE... PACKAGES TOURS INSURANCE FLIGHTS HOTELS CAR Commodore Plaza 47 Enon Street, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 712 0900 CALL, CLICK OR COME IN TODAY! EXPEDIA'S NEWEST LOCATION - NOW OPEN IN BEVERLY! We are your one-stop-shop for a worry-free vacation! Upcoming exclusive promotions: Royal Caribbean Sale: March 16 - 22 River Cruise Sale: April 6 - 26 cruise vacations & SO MUCH MORE... PACKAGES TOURS INSURANCE FLIGHTS HOTELS CAR Commodore Plaza 47 Enon Street, Beverly, MA 01915 (978) 712 0900 CALL, CLICK OR COME IN TODAY! EXPEDIA'S NEWEST LOCATION - NOW OPEN IN BEVERLY! We are your one-stop-shop for a worry-free vacation! Upcoming exclusive promotions: Royal Caribbean Sale: March 16 - 22 River Cruise Sale: April 6 - 26 Golf l Swim & Tennis l Clubhouse 148 Country Club Way, Ipswich, MA 01938 l 978.356.4822 Experience clublife at Ipswich Country Club.