Northshore Magazine

Northshore March 2020

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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I N - D E P T H 66 MARCH 2020 unscrupulous players in this industry," she says. "Knowing your sources, knowing what you are buying is clean, safe, and tested [is important]." DOES IT WORK? It depends on the user. There's no such thing as a "cure-all," and everyone is different. "People are individuals. They have different needs, different makeups," says Dr. Gold. "We know that in the right patient, it can be beneficial." The same can be said about any medicine. "The reality is, just like when you take a prescription medication, it may not work for you," Partridge says. Dr. Gold notes that some patients who take CBD orally report that they don't like the taste. The products can also be expensive, which adds additional stakes when effective- ness is in question. WHERE SHOULD I BUY IT? Look for products that are third-party tested for things like cannabinoid profile and potency, pesticides, and contaminants. For instance, The Healing Rose, a licensed hemp processor and manufacturer in Newburyport that makes CBD products from Massachusetts-grown hemp, lists extensive lab results on its website for every batch of CBD extract it uses. Laura Beohner, president and co-founder of The Healing Rose, recommends looking for an all-natural formula. She also encourages everyone to read the backs of their packag- Laura Beohner of Healing Rose in Newburyport PHOTOGRAPH BY JOE FERRARO COME IN ONCE, YOU'LL BE A CUSTOMER FOR LIFE! Andover Street, Route Danvers -- Liberty Square, Boston -•- BRANDS & FABRICS FROM BRIONI | CANALI | ZEGNA | LORO PIANA | HICKEY FREEMAN OXXFORD | COPPLEY | SCABAL | ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA CUSTOM SUITS I N A S F E W A S • O D AY S

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