Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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67 MARCH 2020 ing. "Please, yes, turn that box around!" she urges. "It's surprising how many people don't do that." In addition, Agron says don't buy CBD from the gas station, "the back of a thrift store," or another similar place. Instead, look for retailers and manufacturers who have vetted the products they sell, can answer questions, and can teach you about the products and CBD itself. For instance, Cape Ann Botanicals has a registered nurse on staff and runs "CBD 101" events, and its experts have spoken at local Council on Aging groups. Villa also encourages people to bring in CBD products they've purchased elsewhere to make sure they're reputable. "Our real mission is education," she says. Experts can also help you determine which CBD formula- tions, such as an oral tincture versus a topical salve, might work best for your chief complaint. Another option to consider is getting a CBD body treatment, like a CBD massage, facial, or pedicure, which are all offered at Interlocks in Newburyport. They use products exclusively from The Healing Rose for their body treatments, says Chrissy Boucher, a licensed massage therapist and assistant manager at Interlocks. The body treatments have been very successful. "We knew it would be popular, but we didn't realize how popular it would be," she says. Perhaps one day soon, government regulations and clinical research will catch up with anecdotal results. In the meantime, people are encouraged to learn more on their own. "More people are talking about it," Boucher says. "People's experiences are getting out there." Cape Ann Botanicals has a variety of CBD products. CONTACT;;; PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF CAPE ANN BOTANICALS 100 Cummings Center, Suite 101D . Beverly, MA 01915 978.927.9909 . BODISCIENCE… THE PIONEERS IN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN ENERGETIC METHODS & TECHNIQUES. WHAT IS ENERGETIC SKINCARE? Above & Beyond Wellness Facial | Energetic Ayurvedic Body Treatment | Primordial Sound Meditation BodiScience is celebrating 30 years providing spa and wellness treat- ments here on the NorthShore. Clients travel from great distance to stay here with us and receive our treatments. We have based our pro- tocols upon the energetic body knowing that we need to care for our emotional, spiritual and physical body bringing them into alignment to achieve optimum wellness. At BodiScience Wellness Center & Spa, our therapies are based on Ayurvedic (East Indian Philosophy) principles with the proven science of working with energy: performing our treatments with Light Therapy, balancing meridians, acupuncture points, chakra system (which taps into organs and systems; nervous system, endocrine system, lymphatic system) and the movement of energy of the lymphatic system to assist with inflammation and imbalances of our health. Exploring a new force in health and healing, both doctors and wellness practitioners are uncovering the potential of electromagnetic, light and sound interventions to heal your 'energy body.'