Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 79 MARCH 2020 March 2020 NOTABLE NORTHSHORE s p e c i a l a d v e r t i s i n g s e c t i o n Nichols Village offers additional indepen- dent living accommodations with opening of Woodburn Manor South. "The demand for independent living accommodations has steadily increased over the past several years as evident in our lengthy wait list" says Brenda Burkholder, Nichols Village marketing director. "In order to accommodate the increasing demand, Nichols Village Board of Directors made the decision to expand and build a brand-new independent living addition." After 18 months of construction, Nichols Village opened Woodburn Manor South in December 2019 featuring 21 apartments, a Fitness Center with cardio and strength training gym, aquatic center with heated pool and spa, and a fitness studio for yoga, Wood Haven, our intimate, exclusive memory care community in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, is designed to help bring meaning and happiness to the lives of our residents with Alzheimer's or oth - er dementia. Featuring Meridian Senior Living's exclusive Montessori Moments in Time™ Memory Care program, we provide support to our residents through compre- hensive, experience-proven programming focused on drawing from each individual a sense of purpose and belonging. It is our privilege to help our memory care resi- dents live rich, fulfilling lives. Our Services: Making Every Day Special for Memory Care Residents Our highly trained and passionate staff is seasoned in providing exceptional care specifically to memory care residents. As a component of Montessori Moments in Time™ programming, Validation techniques are used to connect with residents, helping to reduce agitation and improve communication. By employing hands-on interventions and reha - bilitation principles within our Life Enrichment programming, we strive to bring purpose and valuable socialization to our residents. At our memory care community, your loved one will receive a customized plan of care based on their own preferences, routines and wellness needs. The day may include exercise classes, arts and crafts, games and other recreation to en- courage recall of their own abilities or interests. W o o d H av e n S e n i o r L i v i n g n i c H o L S v i L L a g e strength training, meditation and dance classes. Woodburn Manor South includes an auditori- um and tavern too. Fifteen apartments have already been occupied with 22 new residents. There are only six apartments left. Nichols Village is an independent living community for active adults 62 +, offering maintenance free living with 99 apartments and 16 cottages, all featuring ample amounts of comfortable living space, one level living, an abundance of bright, natural lighting and quintessential countryside views. Rental and Lifetime Refundable Tenancy (entrance fee model) plans are offered. To find out current availability, how to get on the wait list or to set up a personal tour, please call Brenda Burkholder, Marketing Director at 978-372-3930 x16, or visit Nichols Village One Nichols Way Groveland, MA 01834 978-372-3930 Wood Haven Senior Living 2580 Main Street Tewksbury MA 978-657-0800 Call Today to Learn More (978) 267-3625 2580 Main Street · Tewksbury, MA 01876 NOW PROUDLY MANAGED BY MERIDIAN SENIOR LIVING Introducing the New Wood Haven Senior Living, a Memory Care Exclusive Community DISCOVER EXPERT MEMORY CARE Wood Haven is safe, family-like community that exclusively focuses on the care and wellbeing of those with Alzheimer's or other dementia. Featuring the MONTESSORI MOMENTS IN TIME ™ memory care program, our trained staff infuses purpose and meaning into daily interactions, encouraging valuable socialization and activity. SPECIAL: All-Inclusive Memory Care: Companion Suite $4695 & Private Suite at $6895 Call Today to Learn More (978) 267-3625 2580 Main Street · Tewksbury, MA 01876 NOW PROUDLY MANAGED BY MERIDIAN SENIOR LIVING Introducing the New Wood Haven Senior Living, a Memory Care Exclusive Community DISCOVER EXPERT MEMORY CARE Wood Haven is safe, family-like community that exclusively focuses on the care and wellbeing of those with Alzheimer's or other dementia. Featuring the MONTESSORI MOMENTS IN TIME ™ memory care program, our trained staff infuses purpose and meaning into daily interactions, encouraging valuable socialization and activity. SPECIAL: All-Inclusive Memory Care: Companion Suite $4695 & Private Suite at $6895 Introducing the New Wood Haven Senior Living a Memory Care Exclusive Community