Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 8 MARCH 2020 PHOTOGRAPHS, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT, BY JARED KUZIA, BY DOUG LEVY, @janiehaasevents There are not enough words—we are so lucky in life to love what we do. Being able to design and produce beautiful events in this community is and always has been a privilege. Thank you to Northshore magazine and all its fabulous readers for the acknowledgement, sup- port, and this wonderful honor of Best of North Shore Weddings! @greatmarshbrewing Did you see our feature in Northshore magazine? We did not take the beer title "Beer Heaven" lightly, and are so grateful to be featured for our great meals and cold and delicious beers! Thanks again, Northshore magazine! @sarahbethdesigncompany Congratulations to Sarah Perry, associate professor of interior architecture at Endicott. One of her design projects was featured in Northshore Home winter edition! AssumptionNews Congratulations, @CMcIntoshBoston 1991. Chris studied sociology and chem- istry at Assumption and was just ap- pointed publisher of @northshoremag. (The lifelong advantages of studying at a #liberalarts college!) AppletonIpswich Thanks so much for including us in this great roundup of things to do, @northshoremag! NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 60 JANUARY + FEBRUARY 2020 e Editors' and Readers' Choices are in for the best bridal shop, caterer, cake, bouquet, engagement ring, tuxedo, and more! G E T S O C I A L W I T H N O R T H S H O R E @northshoremag C O R R E S P O N D E N C E LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hi Nancy, I just wanted to thank you for publishing my article on Helen Sides in the Northshore Home Winter issue. I thought the pictures were excellent, especially the one of her. ank you also, for mentioning it in your editor's letter as well. She is very pleased, and so was the homeowner, Alan November. Writer Maggie Meahl Nancy, Northshore Home has done it again! What a great story Kiley Jacques wrote about the high-performance, energy-efficient home we built in Boxford. e article does such a nice job capturing all the special features that went into creating a near net-zero home that achieves the homeowners' goal of minimizing their carbon footprint. Kudos to Kiley Jacques for explaining the technicalities in a way that readers can digest the details. Susan Howell, Howell Custom Building Group MAR 2020