Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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Sign up for the latest news at #peabodyessex @peabodyessex 161 ESSEX STREE T SALEM, MASS. 01970 PEM.ORG Anila Quayyum Agha: All the Flowers Are for Me Persian and Turkish architecture, textiles and miniature paintings inspire the precise, stylized floral forms of Anila Quayyum Agha's sculptural installation. All the Flowers Are for Me invites visitors to step into a realm of light and shadow to become part of the immersive work. Originally from Lahore, Pakistan, and now living in the U.S., Agha is acutely attuned to the social codes that inform the lives of Muslim women and immigrants. She describes this work as a meditation on how women can reclaim and safely open up private space to welcome others. We're happy to announce that this much-beloved installation will go back on view on August 1. Anila Quayyum Agha, All the Flowers Are for Me. Peabody Essex Museum. Photo by Bob Packert/PEM. A little inspiration for your soul FROM THE PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM