Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.
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NORTHSHOREMAG.COM 52 APRIL 2020 Just in time for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, why not consider replacing some of your favorite fast fashion brands with some local secondhand stores? As measured by Green Story Environmental Study, if everyone bought one used item instead of new, it would save 25 billion gallons of water, nearly 450 million pounds of waste, and a whopping 5.7 billion pounds of CO2 emissions (the equivalent of half a million cars taken off the road for a year). Secondhand stores aren't new, but their popularity is rising: Where once there was a stereotype that the term meant "junk" or "old," it's now seen as smart shopping. According to May Doherty, owner of Chic Consignment, "One of the reasons there's been a surge in the popularity of consignment is because con- sumer behavior is changing. People care more about their carbon footprint, but they still want the 'thrill of the hunt' shopping experience." There are many, many online options like thredUP and Poshmark, and a few different ways to buy and sell: Thrift stores sell items that have been donated, consignment stores pay a percentage to owners when an item sells, and resale stores buy items from sellers outright. The long-term future of secondhand stores will be in the experience—you can come PHOTOGRAPHS SARAH JORDAN MCCAFFERY I N - D E P T H in to browse, try on for fit, or bring in your own pieces when the season's right. Doherty says, "I always say that in some ways, consign- ment is high-level recycling." Here are a few standouts that specialize in clothing and ac- cessories, although there are many more that sell all kinds of goods. C H I C C O N S I G N M E N T Chic looks and operates like traditional retail, and its customers sometimes wander in not realizing it's consignment. It caters to higher end clients—"Some of our shoppers could go to Gucci at Saks and pay full price, but they Chic Consignment offers couture pieces at unreal prices.