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68 APRIL 2020 I N - D E P T H "I'd never even heard of ghostwriting. I wasn't really part of the publishing industry. One thing just led to another." —Kevin Anderson message, their stories." He notes that in addition to their writing and editing services, his firm helps authors navigate the entire publishing process. Anderson, who splits his time between West Newbury and New York City, never set out to be a ghostwriter. (In fact, while he used to do a fair amount of editing, he doesn't actually do any of the ghostwriting for Kevin Anderson & Associates.) His company has its roots in a tutoring service that Anderson started when he was a Harvard graduate student majoring in postmodern literary theory and criticism ("a real lady killer," he jokes). As the service— which is now a separate company—grew, he hired his colleagues to help keep up with demand, and most of what has happened since was simply the result of Anderson saying "yes" to some unexpected opportunities. Rather than spending half their day on the road, would his tutors help people out online? Sure. What about editing books instead of term papers? Yep. Now maybe write some of those books? Okay. Could you do a few dozen in a year? Why not! "I'd never even heard of ghostwriting," Anderson says. "I wasn't really part of the publishing industry. One thing just led to another." This up-for-anything attitude has led to a stunningly diverse array of projects and clients—a roster that is, in some ways, a microcosm of the current moment in publishing. There are the handful of can't-miss titles penned by household names, which garner big advances; there are the slew of emerging and midlist authors duking it out for limited resources and attention; and then there are the "book- as-a-business-card" authors, who don't even necessarily care about traditional publishing but want to be able to demonstrate their expertise and leadership within their industry by saying, "I literally wrote the book on this." The 2009 survival memoir Crazy for the Storm was one of the company's first big successes, reaching #2 on the Los Angeles Times bestseller list. Anderson's writers also co-author the Five Nights at Freddy's horror mystery novels, the first of which hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Much of the company's current work is for business clients. Some of these authors self-publish their books or use hybrid publishing companies (which offer wraparound publishing services in exchange for a fee), but Kevin Anderson & Associates is also in the middle of a 14-book deal with (Clockwise from top) Rob Lutts, President & CIO with principals: Greg Stevens, Senior Wealth Advisor; Sonia Ernst, Manager of Trading and Operations; Jim Gasparello, Director of Wealth Management. Building and Preserving Wealth Since 1983 CALL Toll-Free: (800) 888-6468 Offi ce: (978) 745-9233 VISIT 216 Essex Street Salem, MA 01970 CONNECT Cabot Wealth Managmement 2020 Educational Series Jan 30 Apr 23 Jul 30 Nov 5 Tax Strategies for Maximizing Tax Savings State of the Market } Note: If you have investable assets of $500,000 or more, please join us for our Educational Series. Save the Dates now for our July and November series. A t Cabot, we help you to develop a sound fi nancial plan designed to help you meet your goals. Our in-house team of advisors and portfolio managers work together to implement a globally -diversifi ed investment strategy. This mix of investments is tailored to meet the needs and risk tolerance of each and every client.