
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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95 I L T A N E T . O R G Partner Advisory Council C H A I R P E R S O N Ray Zwiefelhofer, Worldox rzwiefelhofer@worldox.com C O - C H A I R P E R S O N Donna Payne, PayneGroup donnapayne@thepaynegroup.com A T - L A R G E Dean Leung, iManage dean.leung@iManage.com A T - L A R G E Phil Homburger, Lawbase phil@lawbase.com A T - L A R G E Scott Christensen, Olenick & Associates schristensen@olenick.com P L A T I N U M Michael Kraft, Kraft & Kennedy kraft@kraftkennedy.com G O L D Lisa Stone, Fireman & Company lisa.stone@firemanco.com S I L V E R Megan Kennedy, InMailX megank@inmailx.com B R O N Z E John Russell, RBRO Solutions Inc. jrussell@rbrosolutions.com B A S I C Chris Hildreth, ESP Legal Technology Professionals childreth@esp-ca.com C O N S U L T A N T Amy Juers, Edge Legal Marketing ajuers@edgelegalmarketing.com E M E A Denise Prior, Tikit Denise.Prior@tikit.com P R O D U C T A N N O U N C E M E N T S ILTA Business Partners, get your new (and updated) products noticed here. Add editor@iltanet.org to your press release list, and we'll handle the rest. O N T H E M O V E ILTA Business Partners, your new hires and promotions have a home right here! Add editor@iltanet.org to your press release list, and we'll handle the rest. Check out our great, new, Global Partnership! We're pleased to announce a new international partnership, specifically tailored to aid in membership and sponsorship acquisition in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. Chilli IQ has been coordinating legal events and valuable content for their attendees for over 15 years. In tandem with ILTA, Chilli IQ will also provide member support by coordinating the implementation of local meetings and other new programming. By partnering with Chilli IQ, ILTA will be able to steadily increase its peer-powered content and partnerships, greatly increasing its visibility and access to a market that will help nurture and grow our current membership base. Jason Stookey, ILTA, VP Business Partner Development states: "ILTA is thrilled to be partnering with Chilli IQ to help grow and support ILTA's presence in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. When we were evaluating potential partners the feedback from both members and business partners was overwhelmingly positive regarding Chilli IQ. After getting to know the Chilli IQ team it was obvious that their culture blended perfectly with ILTA's. We're confident this partnership will yield tremendous value for both ILTA and Chilli IQ as well as our members and business partners." Echoing ILTA's sentiments, George Katrivesis, Marketing Director for Chilli IQ describes the joint partnership from Chill IQ's perspective: "As trailblazers of legal technolo in Australia, Chilli IQ are honoured to have the opportunity to grow the legal technolo community here in Australia, NZ and Singapore through our appointment as exclusive agent for ILTA. We look forward to working with such a reputable association and are excited about bringing ILTA benefits to members and partners." ILTA

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