SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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SCORE BaJa 1000 Nominated Once Again For Best Motorsports Race The SCORE Baja 1000 has been nominated for the 2020 USA Today 10 Best Reader s’ Choice for Best Motorsports Race. The race has won this title twice before and SCORE fans can keep it on top again by voting every day until July 6th, to put the SCORE Baja 1000 as the number one motorsports event for a third time. Vote here: 021 Ford Bronco To Debut July 9th Ford will release all of the details of the 2021 model Bronco on July 9th. The SUV has been the topic of discussion for several months after a race version of the SUV debuted at the 2019 SCORE Baja 1000. The reveal will appear on both the Ford Media site and on The Bronco Nation community site. TEAM AMPUDIA Launches AMPD Video The video which is live on YouTube, shows SCORE Baja 1000 winner Aaron Ampudia and famous rapper Lil Jon on an action-packed ride through Ensenada, Mexico. Team Ampudia launched the video on YouTube and included prizes that were given away to promote it.

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